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Meet the maker: Ecru

Meet the maker: Ecru

This week we had the chance to hear the story of yet another successful female entrepreneur. Sarah Barichievy, the owner of Ecru answered a few questions for us. Read on to hear the wonderful story of Ecru...

Q: Who is Ecru Spaces?

A: Ecru is a small-batch woven textile company that sources and creates beautifully designed multifunctional products for both home and outdoor use. Inspired by earth’s wild places, we are passionate about bringing this raw beauty to you through our unique product range.

Q: What was the idea behind your brand?

A: All of our products are made from 100% natural fibres and we aim to ensure that these are from sustainable sources. We collaborate with artisans and small businesses and have trusted relationships with each of our suppliers, all of whom adopt fair and sustainable trading practices. We have a strong drive towards making local, helping to support South Africa’s growing textile design and production.

Q: What are your best sellers?

A: The Skaap range of bath and hand towels as well as the tablecloths.

Q: What is YOUR favourite product of your collection?

A: That's and easy choice…The Adwa towel in Ochre/natural. 

Q: What to you is the best thing about selling on KNUS?

A: As a newly started brand, selling on KNUS has helped us to showcase the best of our locally made products and has allowed us to be part of a team of truly talented local designers. 

Q: Why would you say it is important for customers to support local?

A: We all have a part to play in making this planet a better place. By supporting local, we can reduce our carbon footprint, up-skill and develop our work force and make our economy more stable. South Africa deserves to be recognised for how beautiful and diverse we are!

View entire collection here!

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